Mark Burns Appointed New Executive Director of Coconut Grove BID

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With a background in property management, leasing, and events, Burns is “uniquely prepared for this job”

The Coconut Grove Business Improvement District (BID) proudly announces the appointment of Mark Burns as its new Executive Director. Burns, aged 44, brings with him a wealth of experience in property management and public administration.

The BID’s mission is to foster a thriving business environment in the central Grove. This includes overseeing capital projects, marketing initiatives, Block-By-Block cleanliness and safety patrols, and organizing special events. The BID also serves as a valuable resource for information about local shops, restaurants, and community happenings.

Reflecting on his new role, Burns shared, “I truly believe my background uniquely prepared me for this job. The first 10 years of my career were in property management. I have a history of dealing with business owners, always aiming to help them succeed. Similarly, this job is about connecting with business owners and understanding their needs – and of course, ensuring the business district is well-maintained and vibrant.”

Burns brings extensive experience from his tenure with the City of Miami, where he served as a lease manager responsible for approximately 100 city-owned leased properties. His work, particularly within the City of Miami’s District 2, provided him with deep insights and connections valuable to his new role at the BID. Additionally, his background in managing events, marketing, and maintaining properties aligns perfectly with the BID’s goals.

Burns’s immediate priorities include engaging with BID members, property owners, and business owners to identify and address their most pressing issues. “It’s essential to listen to the community and understand what is needed,” he emphasized.

Looking ahead, Burns is committed to balancing growth with preserving the charm of the downtown district. “The Grove is doing quite well now. It’s a beautiful area, and I love it. The challenge is to attract more visitors while maintaining the neighborhood feel. My goal is to support and ensure the prosperity of our local businesses.”

About the Coconut Grove BID

Established on April 1, 2009, The Coconut Grove Business Improvement District is committed to promoting a healthy business environment in Miami’s most popular and historic district.

With District 2 Commissioner Damian Pardo serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors, the BID is led by a board of nine distinguished business leaders and property owners based in the downtown commercial area. The BID supports local businesses through various initiatives, ensuring a vibrant and welcoming community for residents and visitors alike.

For more informtion, visit the BID website at www.coconut

The next BID Board of Directors meeting takes place today (Tuesday, May 21) at 10 a.m. at the Mayfair House Hotel & Spa (2nd floor). The meeting is open to the public.

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