Miami Dade College’s (MDC) Medical Campus, 950 NW 20 St., once again will host the popular paramedics competition where dozens of emergency medical teams from across the state of Florida and beyond battle it out during an intense, educational and action-packed day.
The 12th annual Randy Boaz Advanced Life Support (ALS) Competition will take place on Thursday, June 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at MDC’s Medical Campus.
This year, more than 20 teams are expected to compete in the ALS competition that was created to honor the life and career of the late City of Miami paramedic and MDC instructor Randy Boaz. The event brings together some of the best teams from across Florida and beyond, as participants, including two teams from MDC and four teams from the Mexican Red Cross, will be pushed to their limits and face extreme circumstances.
To participate as a competitor, actor or judge, send an email to <>. Registration is required and guaranteed participation is on a first come, first serve basis. The cost to register is $175 per team and it is preferred that the required registration fee be included with the registration form. Registrations submitted without the fee will be held until Monday, June 4. The registration form and more details are available at <>.
Boaz was one of the first paramedics in the nation and was heralded as an expert in Emergency Medical Services (EMS). His passion for his work earned him the respect of his peers and students throughout his career. Boaz worked tirelessly to develop improvements in protocol for emergency response, first responder innovations and Emergency Medical Technician curriculum standards, which are still in place at the state and national levels.
As a revered instructor, students were privy to a classroom environment that demonstrated his strong love and dedication to the field of EMS. Using humor and his natural enthusiasm he maintained interest while being extraordinarily informative. This competition is intended to honor Boaz’s belief in a fun learning atmosphere. It is estimated that Boaz trained 85 percent of paramedics currently working in Miami- Dade County. He passed away in 2000.
MDC, the nation’s largest institution of higher education, is a leader in first responder, public safety and health training, and a national model of excellence with bachelor degrees in public safety management, physician assistance and nursing, hundreds of allied health degrees and certificate programs, and a renowned Medical Campus located in the heart of Miami’s hospital district.
For more information or to register for the ALS competition, contact MDC Emergency Medical Services Prof. Ricky Barnet at 305-237-4457 or visit online at <>.