WHAT: 9th Annual Rotary Key Biscayne Wine & Food Fest. Thirteen varietal wines from the New World will compete against wines from the Old World to earn recognition as “Best of Show” in each class. This will be an exciting showdown. The categories are:
1. Champagne vs. California Sparkling
2. Loire Sauvignon Blanc vs. Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc
3. French Burgundy vs. California Chardonnay
4. Austrian Riesling vs. Ohio Riesling
5. Bordeaux vs. Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
6. Italian vs. California Merlot
7. French vs. Argentinean Malbec
8. Bordeaux vs. California Cab Franc
9. Italian Primitivo vs. California Zinfandel
10. Spanish vs. California Tempranillo
11. Rhone vs. Washington State Syrah
12. Italian vs. California Sangiovese
13. Burgundy vs. Oregon Pinot Noir
The wine-tasting event will continue to feature a UNIQUE experience for the wine aficionado: The Rotary Challenge. Eight guests will be invited as “consumer judges” to taste both wines in each category. The participants will then decide which wines are the best from each varietal.
Consumer judges are asked to provide a charitable donation of $50 towards the event’s fundraising goals.
Shari Gherman, president of the American Fine Wine Competition and the Gold Medal Wine Tour, is our wine director again this year. Four other judges will complete the professionals’ panel. All presented wines have been graciously supplied by Strategic Imports and will available for sale at the event through Stefano’s Wine and Liquors, our official Key Biscayne wine retailer. Stefano’s will coordinate all orders, payment, delivery and pick-up, and will donate 10 percent of sale proceeds to the Rotary Club of Key Biscayne Foundation.
A variety of food delicacies prepared by several prominent South Florida restaurants, including The Ritz Carlton-Key Biscayne, are in the price of admission.
Rotary’s collaboration continues with the ARC of South Florida, whose members will organize the silent auction and receive part of the proceeds to fund its programming. Auction lots will consist of more than 100 items, including travel, restaurant vouchers, sports memorabilia, and other goods and services. Additionally, the Rotary Club of Key Biscayne Foundation has designated proceeds to benefit Fundacion Manos del Sur’s work with early childhood programs offered through Asociacion Sembrando Juntos in Peru. Headquartered in Miami, Fundacion Manos del Sur is a nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to underprivileged children in Latin America in the areas of education, health and nutrition.
Rather than each organization holding an independent fundraising event, The Arc of South Florida and Manos Del Sur work together with the Rotary Club of Key Biscayne Foundation to offer attendees a wonderful evening and an opportunity to support charitable efforts in our community. The Rotary Club Foundation is pursuing matching grants from the local Rotary District and Rotary International to further leverage the charitable impact of this event.
WHEN: 6:30 – 10 p.m. Friday, November 22, 2013
WHERE: Fairways on the Key 6700 Crandon Blvd., Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Complimentary valet parking available
COST: $75 at the door. $65 if pre-registered by November 15th, or if a member of Rotary or any of the charities associated with the event Cash, check, credit cards welcome (Visa, MasterCard, American Express accepted)
For a preview of the silent auction and to purchase tickets, visit www.keybiscaynewinefest.com or call Gabe at 305-759-8500, ext. 141. For sponsorship information, please contact Ruben Weisson at 305-937-7159.
About the partners:
The Rotary Club of Key Biscayne advances out principal motto “Service Above Self” during weekly meetings and a variety of service projects and social events. Our club is a highly diverse group of men and women spanning numerous cultures and creeds. To learn more about our club and the ideals of Rotary, we invite you to explore our website at http://www.rotaryclubofkeybiscayne.org/ or.contact our officers, or attend one of our weekly meetings where a warm welcome awaits you.
Fundación Manos Del Sur is a non-profit organization headquartered in Miami, Florida that has been changing the lives of children in Latin America since 1999. It was founded by a group of Latin American professionals with the vision of helping the struggling children in their countries of origin. It establishes a bridge between individual and corporate contributors in the United States and organizations in Latin America that share the vision of improving children’s lives. – See more at: www.manosdelsur.org
The Arc of South Florida is a local chapter of The Arc USA one of the largest volunteer organizations in the U.S. Founded in 1953 by a group of concerned parents, The Arc of South Florida serves the over 60,000 Miami-Dade County citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc of South Florida’s two-fold purpose is to ensure the rights of all persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities through ongoing advocacy, and to provide specialized programs and services to help individuals lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. The Arc of South Florida has programs in ten locations throughout Miami-Dade County, employs over one hundred seventy individuals, and serves hundreds of participants and their families on a daily basis. For more information visit our website www.arssofla.org