Rotary Launches Heartwarming Holidays

The Rotary Club of Coconut Grove has announced its year-end program, Heartwarming Holidays, a clothing drive to collect new or “like new” sweaters, jackets and raincoats for pre-K to 5th grade Grove children in need. 

“As winter approaches, we want to make sure that all the children in our community will stay warm and dry,” says Rotarian Kathy Kesler who started the initiative.  Rotary has placed collection boxes at key locations in the Grove including Coconut Grove Laundry and Dry Cleaners, CVS, the post office, the Sailing Club and Milam’s.  In addition, a collection box is at the City of Miami Riverside Center, 444 SW 2nd Avenue.

To make a donation or for more information, please contact Jeff Timmons, the program coordinator at

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