Temple Israel of Greater Miami prepares to celebrate its Centennial anniversary

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Temple Israel of Greater Miami is embarking on a celebration of its Centennial anniversary, looking at the 100 years of where it has been, what it is today, and what the future holds as the congregation embraces inclusivity, tradition, and legacy.

Opened in 1922, the synagogue currently is celebrating its centenary as it nears the official birthdate in 2022 with a lengthy agenda of special events, series, and celebrations.

“Members and the community are invited to venture into the past, present, and future of Temple Israel as we journey through a Centennial milestone celebration together,” said Rabbi Amy L. Morrison of Temple Israel of Greater Miami. “Our Centennial Task Force has created a passport as we embark on a pilgrimage through the years that culminates with our congregational trip to Israel in June 2022.”

“The Temple’s founders were pioneers and we continue their legacy by pursuing our values of diversity and inclusion. We celebrate the remarkable leaders and philosophers throughout the years and invite all to join our festivities as we look to the next hundred years,” added Mark Nedlin, chair of the Centennial Task Force and vice president of Congregational Engagement.

The Centennial celebration is a journey with every event serving as a destination. The following are some of the actvities associated with the Centennial:

Dec. 31 — Brotherhood New Year’s Eve celebration with a 1920s theme.

Jan. 28, 2022 — Dorothy Levin Serotta Social Justice Committee honors 100 years of pursuing justice and those upon whose shoulders we stand.

Feb. 25 — Nonagenarians and Centenarians – a conversation with the Colman A. Zwitman Religious School.

Mar. 25 — Sisterhood Through the Looking Glass — 99 years young! Highlighting the women of Sisterhood, their influence on the culture of Temple Israel in their day and their legacy mirrored in our future.

Apr. 29 — Life of the Legend: Rabbi Joseph R. Narot presented by his daughter Susan Gladstone Pasternack, executive director of the Jewish Museum of Florida – FIU.

(Location for all is the Bertha Abess Sanctuary and via Zoom.)

The Centennial Winter Cantorial Concert is a celebratory evening of Jewish vocal and instrumental music, marked by diversity, surprises, and excitement, presented by a roster of artists co-directed by Cantor Rachelle Nelson and Dr. Alan Mason and accompanied by Dr. Alan Mason.

It takes place on Jan. 8 at Bertha Abess Sanctuary and via Zoom.

The event is open to public by ticket; tickets available on the Temple Israel website.

The Centennial Celebration Weekend includes:
Legacy Shabbat — Dinner, Service and Oneg on May 6, Zoom and in-person;
Centennial Gala, May 7, in Wolfson Auditorium, and
Futures Brunch and 100th Congregational Meeting, May 8, in Wolfson Auditorium.

Another highlight is an Intergenerational Trip to Israel: Spend two nights in Tel Aviv, two nights in Galilee, and five nights in Jerusalem with day trips to Haifa, the Dead Sea, Jaffa, Safed (Safat), Masada, Abu Gosh (Arab town), and more. Activities to include kayaking down the Jordan River, camel rides in the Sinai Desert, chocolate tasting at a Galilee Kibbutz, and a festive Shabbat Service and S’udat (meal) in Jerusalem.
Dates are June 12-21.

For more information about Temple Israel of Greater Miami, visit TempleIsrael.net.

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