The Jose Milton Recording Studio at MAS Studio 6-12

Students county-wide in Miami-Dade now have the opportunity to produce and record music in their very own, state-of-the-art recording studio at Miami Arts Studio 6-12 at Zelda Glazer, an arts magnet school. This will be the nation’s first public school recording studio, debuted in Miami-Dade County. The grand opening is a great honor for the school, the county and the nation, for providing students with the opportunity of having a hands-on approach to music.


The studio was the brainchild of Miami-Dade Commissioner Joe A. Martinez and was made possible by a gift from the José Milton Foundation in collaboration with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). The funds were used exclusively for purchasing, installing and setting up equipment, and will support maintenance of the studio as well. The foundation has also provided funds for the studio to have an artist-in-residence who works with students to produce, record and distribute their music. The recording studio has already forged a deal to feature one of its student’s recordings monthly on IHeart Radio.

The grand opening featured student performances, the ribbon-cutting ceremony and a tour of the studio. Notable attendees at the event included the José Milton Foundation President, Ana Milton, MDCPS Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, Miami-Dade Commissioner Joe A. Martinez and School Board members Dr. Marta Pérez and Dr. Larry Feldman. The MAS recording studio will be available for use to all MDCPS students county-wide this spring.


The José Milton Foundation works to continue the legacy of founder, family patriarch and architect José Milton, reflecting his entrepreneurial spirit, generosity, common sense, determination, fiscal responsibility and love for South Florida with its rich cultural diversity, boundless potential.

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