Coconut Grove resident Kimberly MacPherson is no stranger to animals with special needs.
She has five cats — one has one eye and one has only three legs. They are all rescued from either the streets or from a local animal welfare organization, including the Humane Society of Greater Miami. So when MacPherson saw Tia, a three-legged dog at the Humane Society of Greater Miami, it was love at first sight.
“At first, I felt sorry for her,” MacPherson said. “But once I got to know her, I saw what a happy dog she was and decided to adopt her.”
MacPherson fostered Tia for a month to see how she would get along with her cats before making the final decision.
“They get along beautifully, “MacPherson said. “I bring her to work every day, so that I am always with her.”
MacPherson writes grants for the Humane Society of Greater Miami.
“You just know that an animal is right for you. A certain chemistry exists.”
Based on Tia’s injuries, Dr. Maureen Swan, chief medical officer at the Humane Society of Greater Miami, thinks that Tia got into a fight with another dog and while running away got hit by a car. She was brought to Miami-Dade Animal Services where her leg was amputated. During the Humane Society’s weekly trip to Animal Services to rescue animals, Tia was one of the lucky ones and came to the Humane Society of Greater Miami to be put up for adoption
“Tia adapted to having three legs very well,” MacPherson said. The only thing she had to teach Tia was how to climb stairs, and she caught on immediately.
Growing up, MacPherson always was around animals. Her step-mom is past president of the Sevier County Humane Society in Tennessee — and runs an organization called One by One that spays and neuters animals. Plus, her step-mom has a Golden Retriever who is deaf. The need to adopt special needs animals must run in the family.
The Humane Society of Greater Miami Adopt-A-Pet is a limited admit, adoption guarantee facility dedicated to placing every dog and cat in its care into a loving home, and to promoting responsible pet ownership and spay/neuter programs. Adoption guarantee simply means that every animal under their care is safe from the threat of euthanasia for as long as it takes to find them a forever family.
If you want to learn about other special needs pets or about other animals available for adoption, visit the Humane Society of Greater Miami’s website www.humanesocietymiami.org