United Way Mission United is United Way of Miami-Dade’s newest program, focused on helping veterans re-acclimate to civilian life.
Mission United, in July, began empowering veterans and their families by connecting them with essential services and employment opportunities. The program will serve the 62,000 veterans who live in Miami-Dade, with an emphasis on post 9/11 veterans and their immediate families.
“After serving our country proudly and honorably, many veterans leaving military service struggle upon returning home,” said General Douglas M. Fraser, USAF (Retired). “Challenges from employment and legal issues to education, healthcare and affordable housing can be disconcerting. In most cases, assistance already exists, but knowing where and how to gain access may be difficult.”
Gen. Fraser co-chairs the Mission United Advisory Council along with Tomas Erban and Col. Steve Williamson, USA (Retired). As with all United Way initiatives, Mission United works with multiple partners and community volunteers to create a comprehensive approach, align with existing programs and identify gaps in services.
Employment is a major challenge faced by post 9/11 veterans and a good job is key to a family’s stability. Mission United will connect veterans with employment opportunities through numerous resources and dozens of partnerships.
United Way of Miami-Dade is incorporating effective strategies and lessons learned from United Way of Broward’s program, which has gained national recognition from congressional representatives and was identified by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as one of the top reintegration programs in the nation.
“Mission United is an example of United Ways working together, across county lines, to respond to emerging needs in our communities,” said Harve A. Mogul, president and CEO, United Way of Miami-Dade. “By working together, we can ensure our service men and women return to civilian life empowered, healthy and strong.”
Veterans in the program receive personalized, tailored assistance. A case manager works with each veteran to gather information, assess needs and design an action plan with specific outcomes to help set the veteran on the right path — be it employment, financial coaching, skills training, housing, education and more. The case manager will then tap into numerous agencies to coordinate the best possible resources and opportunities for the veteran.
Several organizations and individuals have stepped forward with new or increased support of United Way to help launch Mission United, including: Founding Partners, Swanee and Paul DiMare; Stakeholders, Bacardi, The Batchelor Foundation, FECI (Florida East Coast Industries), Rudy Kranys, and Shannon and Vincent Signorello, and Sponsors, Sandra and Tomas Erban, Sara Woodruff Donor Advised Fund, and Walmart.
To learn more, call 305-4-UNITED or visit www.UnitedWayMiami.org/MissionUnited.