The Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida (GSCTF) is seeking volunteers to serve as positive role models for girls. Although every girl has the ability to lead, many girls do not believe they can. A lack of role models, unhealthy images of beauty, and peer pressure to not stand out, are just some of the obstacles that stand between girls and their full potential. But you can help girls break down those barriers.
As a volunteer, you will introduce girls to new experiences that show them they are capable of more than they ever imagined.
Whether you can give a day, a few weeks, or the whole year, it all starts with you.
Your time as a volunteer will provide girls the environment they need to pursue their own interests and leadership roles. GSCTF offers many volunteering opportunities tailored to fit your calendar, talents, and interests.
• Direct service to girls as a leader in a troop or group, middle-school mentoring, outdoor education, sports and fitness, conflict resolution facilitators, environmental awareness, technology, arts and crafts, music, community service projects and many other areas.
• Behind the scenes support in the areas of administrative support, Council committees, learning facilitator, data management, virtual Girl Scouting, and fund development.
Explore what being a volunteer could mean for you at For specific questions, or to learn more about the current volunteer needs in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, send email to or call 305-253-4841.