Women’s Fund luncheon to honor Hispanic women philanthropists. The Women’s Fund Miami-Dade has announced eight Hispanic women philanthropists who will be honored at the second annual Mujeres Giving Back recognition luncheon scheduled for Friday, Nov. 6, at Jungle Island.
“To highlight the economic impact and leadership of Hispanics in our community, we recognize women who have been leaders in leveraging their power and influence to give back,” said BB&T vice president and Women’s Fund board member Leticia Carrazana, who co-chairs the event committee.
Mujeres Giving Back highlights the philanthropic impact of Hispanic women leaders in Miami-Dade. Nominated by South Florida residents and selected by an independent judging panel of community leaders, these women give back to our community through time, talent or treasure.
The 2015 Mujeres Giving Back honorees are:
Joven Giving Back (18-35) — Cristina Mas, Point Group Advisiors, and Rachelle Metcalfe, FIU Honors College;
Mujer Giving Back Talent — Diana Brooks, VSBrooks Advertising, and Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney;
Mujer Giving Back Time — Rosa Alvarez, Guardian ad Litem Program, and Karyl Argamasilla, Bilzin Sumberg;
Mujer Giving Back Treasure — Laura Munilla, Report Developer LCM LLC, and Rachel Pinedo, Foundation of the Americas.
With 54 million in the U.S. population, Hispanics have an impressive buying power of $1.2 trillion; Miami-Dade’s 65 percent Hispanic population represents a powerful economic and philanthropic force.
The Women’s Fund foresees a sold-out event with 300 of Miami-Dade community leaders, corporate executives, elected officials and professional philanthropicminded women and men. Luncheon guests can look forward to an amazing silent auction, live music and a program which will inspire and empower.
To attend the Mujeres Giving Back recognition luncheon or for more information regarding corporate partnerships, buying a table or advertising in the program book, call The Women’s Fund at 305-441-0506. Individual tickets are $150. Seating is limited. For more information regarding The Women’s Fund, visit www.womensfundmiami.org.