Republished with permission from Weed News; Read the original article HERE.
Prohibitionist front man Kevin Sabet has finally gotten his perfect audience…Department of Justice (DOJ) employees! Unfortunately, they are essentially captives of new Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. Tom Angell of Marijuana Moment shared a link in his daily newsletter that describes the event.
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is the political action organization founded by Sabet and former US Representative Patrick Kennedy in 2013 to fight against marijuana legalization across America. Sabet, who is the only spokesman for the organization, spends countless hours appearing before paying customers to disparage the use of cannabis and misrepresent the facts about its risks and effects. He has made quite a career of spreading reefer madness all across our country.
In February, Sessions established the DOJ Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. They have created today’s “summit” in Washington D.C. to “learn from our key partners in these crime-fighting efforts,” explains their event website. The event goes through June 21st in Bethesda, Maryland.
“The National Summit will gather representatives from federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement; victim and community advocacy groups; and academia to discuss how we can best support and replicate successful local violent crime reduction efforts across the country,” the site adds.
They say attendees will “hear from our leaders in the justice community during plenary sessions,” which likely includes Sabet and Project SAM. Laughably, the DOJ long-timers will know Sabet is full of hot air. His salary is paid by prohibitionist campaigns against legalization, typically, and not law enforcement organizations that inevitably are more knowledgeable than Sabet on all topics he covers.
This is just more evidence that the United States Attorney General is incompetent and the wrong person to lead or federal justice system. The idea that Kevin Sabet has anything worthwhile to say to these DOJ personnel is a joke, just like Sessions comment, “Good people don’t use marijuana.”