More fun at City Hall

Michael Miller

At the last city commission meeting a seemingly nice and well intentioned lady spoke up during public remarks to invite the commission to consider a dog park at All America Park. Talk about speaking before a rough crowd. When she suggested the possible location, the peanut gallery in the back bellowed out “No F*&^%$#! Way” and it turned out to be none other than Commissioner Valerie Newman’s husband. ‘Nuff said.

A replay of yet another Sharon McCain ousting occurred last commission meeting as well. Sitting in beloved Mr. Turner’s special seat (RIP) in the front row center, McCain let out a loud (pffffttt) or “raspberry” as Mayor Philip as Mayor Philip Stoddard called it, when his wife Grey Read went up to the dais to address the farmer’s market status. The mayor (not sure if Sharon was warned prior) had had enough and asked her to leave chambers. As usual she flustered and fussed about it and her good friend Commissioner Newman again came to her defense and made a motion for her to stay. The response was….silence. No second. So the very nice

plainclothes police officer waited patiently as she gathered her camping gear (what does she carry in all of those bags?) and escorted her into the lobby where she watched the meeting.

Whether Sharon deserved it or not is not the point. These meetings should run seamlessly without unnecessary provocative interruptions that sideline the real agenda. I mean come on, you have folks in the audience that took time away from their families and lives to be there, give us all a break.

We know it ain’t easy up there on the dais folks and some of these issues are dense and rather complex. But please, there has to be a way to figure out how to get through a timely agenda without sacrificing the voice of the people in the process. The agendas are put together by the city, not some foreign body or moon manager (well maybe, just ask Eda Harris who seems to be an expert on moon travel when she drew a comparison with moon travel and South Miami builders…I didn’t get it either).

I know the attorneys aren’t complaining because unlike the citizens that are present to be heard, they get paid rather nicely for sitting on their briefs and waiting. Okay let me see if I got it, the people wait and wait while their dinners get cold and their kids don’t get the help they need on their homework and all the while the attorneys in their Brooks Brothers suits rake in the cash. There’s gotta be a better way.

I was wandering about downtown the other day and ran into former Commissioner Randy Wiscombe and former Mayor Horace Feliu. Randy seems to be doing quite well and was enjoying life and lunch at one of his former hang outs. Horace was having breakfast at Casa Lario’s and who walks in…former commissioner and commission candidate Armando Oliveros. Armando also looks great and was enjoying the moment with friends.

CEO of Kendall Baptist Hospital Javier Hernandez Lichtel also came in. Casa Larios seems to be a favorite hang-out for the West Kendall Baptist guy but he is Mr. West Kendall and my sources tell me he prefers South Miami…hmmm, I’m just sayin’ why hang out 100 blocks away from your own back yard?

I hear a major institution is trying to put together some parcels of land in the City of Pleasant Living for a grocery store. I have been sworn to secrecy as to who or what, sorry folks, but my sources say it will not be a big super store but rather an approximately 35 to 40,000 sq. ft. location.

Thought of the Day:
When life presents itself with
a thousand reasons to cry, show
the world that you have a thousand
and one reasons to smile.
— Fernando Cabral

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