More than 500 runners as well as many alumni gathered at Barry University on Feb. 15 for a beautiful morning race and festival. This was the University’s second annual 5K/8K timed race with many runners dressed as nuns adding laughs.
It proved a fun way to celebrate the university and the event went on well past the awards ceremony. The deejay began the day with some line dancing and following the race many non-racing alumni joined the festival feasting on complimentary burgers, hot dogs, Italian Ice, fresh fruit and more. They even had a hot pretzel stand and great music through mid afternoon.
On hand to welcome alumni and runners was 2004-19 University president Sister Linda Bevilacqua, OP, PhD. Of course, Barry, the mascot, was there for photo ops.
Miami’s Community Newspapers was proud to participate with numerous other sponsors including Figurella, an amazing place to lose weight and inches or just tone up; HV Designs, who generously donated all the back packs for the race participants; and the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club.
The Rotary Club of Coral Gables helped with a huge Valentine’s Day party for veterans at the Veterans Hospital, complete with an orchestra Dolphins cheerleaders, and Bernie The Heat Mascot. This certainly brightened the day for patients, their families as well as veterans in the Community Living Center.
Among the many helping that day were Yolanda Woodbridge, Jasper and Carol Brock, and Adriana Fajet. Yolanda Woodbridge and Sally Baumgartner are among a small group of Gables Rotarians who consistently volunteer for RCCG’s monthly Saturday bingo game at the VA, one of many ways the RCCG reaches out to serve others.
Speaking of service clubs, on Feb. 19, the club hosted the GFWC FL District 11 Arts Luncheon at its historic Coral Gables clubhouse. The District art show was judged that day with ribbons and entries from every category imaginable on display at the luncheon.
The event also provided an opportunity to announce the District 11’s Volunteer of the Year winner, Elizabeth K. Fisher, from the Miami Springs Woman’s Club who is a truly outstanding volunteer and leader.
Other wonderful nominees included Linda Hartwell, from Coral Gables Woman’s Club; Amy Spadaro, Homestead Woman’s Club; Sylvia Heller, Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove; Joyce Windhorst, Cocoplum Woman’s Club; Zamira Diaz, El Portal Woman’s Club; Lorraine Harris, Northeast Woman’s Club; and Shirley Padron, Miami Woman’s Club. Elizabeth, who reluctantly let her club send in the nomination, is the GFWC FL District 11 Director. She will be honored with other district winners at the GFWC FL Convention where the state winner will be announced.
The GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club’s Gringo Bingo at Clutch Burger on Giralda Avenue in the Gables will be held on Tuesday, Mar. 10, from 7 to 9 p.m. This month’s party will benefit the Coral Gables Rotary Club’s International Committee programs in Haiti. Steven Bradley, host and owner of Clutch Burger, and DJ Germain, who donates his services providing music, always make this “not just any bingo!” To RSVP, send email to
Here’s a reminder, The Villagers Garden Tour is coming up on Mar. 7. This is a chance to visit select private gardens in the great Coral Gables and Pinecrest areas. The 2020 Villagers’ Garden Tour Committee is chaired by Jody Crosland, Terry Cook, and Sheila Revell with assistance from Debbie Kavanaugh, Loyda Lewis, Fran Blake, Valerie Volpe, Paula Volpe, Bonnie Hutton, April Matteini, and Karen Buchsbaum.
For more information and tickets, visit:
Until next time, keep making each day count.