David Evensky and the team at Evensky & Katz are preparing for the firm’s Fourth Annual Charitable Golf Tournament to benefit local children’s charities. Save the date of Nov. 6 and join the fun at the Biltmore Golf Course for a great event that has donated to dozens of local youth-related charities since its inception.
Evensky & Katz has partnered with the University of Miami for Motivated Youth, a program that educates young adults and teens on good grant making.
Several South Floridians traveled to Boston on the weekend of Aug. 1 to participate in the Pan Massachusetts Challenge, a 200-mile bike ride to benefit “The Jimmy Fund” at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. More than 5,000 people accepted the challenge to raise $4,200 each and complete this journey with the common goal of helping the millions of people affected by cancer each year.
Now in its 30th year, the Pan Massachusetts Challenge has raised over $239 million for cancer research and care. All of the rider-raised donations go directly to cancer research and not a single dollar to administrative or organizational expenses.
Among the locals participating were Lee Kessler, Chris Cof fey and Eric Mertens. Yet another group including Kessler’s father, Harold, actually did a 200-mile pre-event journey. That’s 400 miles on bike folks. This obviously is a dedicated group supporting a great cause.
University of Miami history buffs take notice. The University of Miami Alumni Association and University Libraries have partnered to offer small group, monthly viewing opportunities of photographs, slides, and negatives dating back to the 1920s in an effort to identify and archive. For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Kate Lake, assistant director of Alumni Programs, at < klake@miami.eduklake@miami.edu > or 305-284-2106.
On July 18, the Children’s Bereavement Center (CBC) held a Harry Potter Movie Event at AMC Sunset Place as a fundraiser that featured giveaways, goodies, and appearances by costumed Harry Potter “characters” prior to the private screening. A partner event also took place in Aspen for CBC supporters who spend their summer away. Children from the Buddy Program in Aspen were invited as guests to that private screening. Proceeds from these events help CBC provide services.
It is South Florida’s only nonprofit bereavement and resource center helping children and their families after loss. It provides free support groups for more than 350 family members monthly. Established in 1999, the CBC is entering its 11th year of serving the children/families in our community.
Information, resources and sponsorship opportunities can be found by visiting <www.childbereavement.org > or by calling 305-668-4902.
Finally, on a sad note, Kay Little, the former executive vice president of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce for 12 great years, has passed away. She always will be remembered as a dedicated, competent and professional executive who was instrumental in helping grow the chamber over her tenure there. She will be remembered fondly by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
Until next time, keep making each day count.