GFWC FL District 11 clubs share support during Surfside rescue efforts

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Sharing love and support with our first responders at Surfside, the General Federation of Women’s Club Florida District 11 provided 400 midnight meals as the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club and their catering team, with additional financial support from the Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove, the Miami Woman’s Club, and the Cutler Ridge Woman’s Club, teamed up to help. Elizabeth Fisher, former GFWC FL District 11 Director, has been on site every other day delivering supplies and offering assistance since the collapse of the Champlain Towers. Elizabeth worked with GFWC FL to find and purchase two industrial fans for the workers, volunteers and families gathered and working in tents near the site. When the fan company found out what they were for, they matched the donation that only shows the enormous generosity and aid coming from our community. Elizabeth was recently a guest on Gloria’s Gab LIVE video podcast to discuss those efforts. To learn more, visit or

In other happier news, several Rotary Club’s installed new officers over the last few weeks. Miami Rotarians held a lovely installation reception and dinner on June 25 at the Police Benevolent Association catered by R Catering who knocked it out of the park. Noreen Timoney, widow of our former police chief, was installed as president after serving 10 years as president of The Miami Woman’s Club. That club was there in full force with two tables to celebrate as were Noreen’s two grandchildren. Noreen’s fellow Miami Rotarian Shirley Pardon now takes over as president of The Miami Woman’s Club. These are two amazing women whose community service and leadership is to be applauded.

Speaking of amazing women, immigration attorney Kelly Garces completes her term as President of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables in a year that brought more challenges than ever before. Kelly rose to that challenge and made weekly Rotary meetings fun keeping everyone engaged. At her last meeting, on Zoom, she reviewed all the many programs and projects the club had done this past year helping so many charities, from donating to such notables as Chapman Partnership, Shake-A-Leg and the Coral Gables Children’s Dental Clinic to volunteering at food distribution, blood drives and more. Over the July 4th weekend, the Rotary Club of Coral Gables installed new officers for 2021-22, as Kelly turned the gavel over to Nicolas Eterovic at Matheson Hammock Park. This writer was surprised and honored to be named Rotarian of the Year while Past Presidents Yolanda Woodbridge was presented with the Presidential Award and Sally Baumgartner received the Service Above Self Award.

Summer fun instead of business meetings filled the calendar for the women of the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club. Two mini fundraisers are planned that will help raise charitable dollars while giving everyone an opportunity to meet in person after some many months via Zoom. Next up, on July 21, at 7 p.m., the club has invited everyone to their historic clubhouse at 1001 East Ponce de Leon Blvd for a belly dancing class taught by Lamis, a 40 year veteran belly dancer. Proceeds will benefit the club’s free children’s dental clinic. Lamis is generously doing the class free of her usual charge and bringing hip scarves for all to jingle during the class. She suggests a fitted shirt and leggings for your comfort. The cost is $20, and all the proceeds will go directly to the clinic. To RSVP, contact Theresa Gilmore at .

The club’s July 6th Gringo Bingo at Clutch Burger was its most successful to date raising more than $1,900 to benefit SMARTRIDE and other CGWC efforts. Next month’s event will be held August 3rd, 7 p.m. at Clutch Burger, and that will be followed by a fun filled Bunco Night at the clubhouse 1001 Easy Ponce de Leon Blvd., on August 18th, 7 p.m. To RSVP, email

Finally, a shout out to the GFWC Cutler Ridge Woman’ Club that recently celebrated 65 years at Eastside in Cutler Bay serving the community.

Until next time, keep making each day count, share an act of kindness every day and stay safe.

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A graduate of the University of Florida with a major in Spanish, Burns has an extensive background in advertising, marketing and reciprocal trade, travel , non profit consulting and management. Before joining Miami's Community Newspapers as a columnist and marketing specialist, Gloria was the Executive Director of the Jr. Orange Bowl Committee (6 yrs.) and first Executive Director of the Coral Gables Community Foundation (14 yrs.) and the Pinecrest Community Foundation (1 ½ yrs) . Burns' volunteer activities led her to become a columnist for Community Newspapers writing Gloria’s Gab, that focuses on the non-profit activity, and a host of an online show, Gloria's Gab LIVE. Gloria serves the board of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables as Civic and Charity Chair, and is involved in the club's International Committee. She is an active Life Member of the Jr. Orange Bowl Committee and is Secretary of the Merrick Festival. She serves on the board of directors of the Coral Gables Woman' Club as Publicity Chair and also coordinates the club's monthly fundraiser for various charities with Gringo Bingo at Clutch Burger. In addition, Gloria participates in numerous other charitable events and is a member of the Business Forum Group, Profit Inc., the Greater Miami Festival & Events Association and the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce. In other volunteer activity, Gloria helps Miami Christian School with fund-raising and PR; is an Ambassador and volunteers for events for A Safe Haven for Newborns. She is an active member of the Music Ministry at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church where she enjoys singing in the choir every weekend.