During the Miami launch for Girlie A La Mode at the Four Season’s on February 1, a silent auction helped raise more than $3,000 for Dress for Success, a 25 year old nonprofit organization that has helped more than 35,000 women re-enter the workforce by providing attire and workshops. With that in mind, having a fundraiser in the form of a silent auction at the launch for Kat Zammuto’s fashion and style site, Girlie A La Mode, made perfect sense. Kat Zammuto, Fashion and Image Consultant and Personal Stylist, who was the perfect hostess for an evening of music, food, fashion with that charitable twist. Among the many enjoying the events and bidding on some great donated items were several members of the Coral Gables Woman’s Club. In fact, Iris Segui actually was very happy to be the happy high bidder of a complete session with Kat whose Girlie A La Mode is an online hub for all things fashion with her lifestyle website GirlieALaMode.com. This site offers the latest information on women’s fashion, designer trends, style tips, bargains and more helping consumers save money and look their best.
Currently, Girlie A La Mode has a contest for spring fashion, “Cherry Pic Promo.” No purchase is needed to enter. They are also also launching an exclusive t-shirt line with part of the sales being donated to Dress for Success Miami. For more information, visit www.girliealamode.com. Instagram: @girliealamode @katzammuto
In other news, the Rotary Club of Miami Dadeland Pinecrest has a great group of speakers for upcoming programs and recently heard form Computer Instructor Joan Nurse at their February 13 meeting. Nurse presented a most informative talk about the difference and similarities between The Android and the I-Phone cellular telephones and how to avoid being hacked. Coming up next On March 13 will be Former State Representative Mike Abrams who will address the 2018 Florida Legislative Session that will have concluded the week after his talk.
This Rotary Club of Miami Dadeland-Pinecrest meets for breakfast on the second Tuesday morning every month, 7:30-8:30 a.m. and for networking at 6:30 p.m. with a program, 7:30, at the Dadeland Marriott Hotel, 9090 S. Dadeland Boulevard. Visiting Rotarians are always welcomed and those interested in learning more about the club should contact Eric Gressman, 786-239-0701, ekg@miamidade.gov, or Ron Lieberman, 305-613-6744, miamilawyr@gmail.com.
Speaking of service clubs, the Dade Federation of Women’s Clubs, which is a an association of several woman’s clubs in Miami-Dade County, gathered at Cocoplum Woman’s Club for a lunch meeting on February 1. Several volunteers are stepping up to run for office with an election meeting coming up soon. Member organizations work together to make a positive impact on the community. Acting Chair Charlene Carruth made a two hour trip to attend and lead the meeting to discuss the future of the organization and find new leaders. Look for more on this group in future issues.
Lots of outdoor events are right around the corner. Don’t miss Coral Gables Rotary’s Chili Cook – Off on Sunday, February 25, 1 – 5 p.m. at Fred B. Hartnett Ponce Circle Park in the Gables. You will see lots of Pinecrest faces in the crowd from sponsors like Fred Baddour /CRB Geological to Events Chair Greg Martini and Bruce Kerestes who will once again be coordinating all the chefs which expect to be a record number this year. For more information on the cook-off, visit www.chilichillin.com.
That same weekend, you will want to check out the South Miami Rotary’s Annual Art Festival along Sunset Drive between S. Dixie Hwy. and Red Road. This is always a fun event with lots of great art, food and music as well. Admission is also free to this event; so, plan on enjoying some wholesome family fun at both events.
Coming up soon is another family friendly event. On March 10, A Safe Haven for Newborns will hold its annual walk at Amelia Earhart Park. Safe Haven continues to save the lives of babies and the count is now more than 270 infants. This Walk, a Golf Tournament, a Annual Gala and generous supporters have made the saving of the lives possible. For more information visit www.asafehavenfornewborns.com.
Coming up soon, another date to save, is the Jr. Orange Bowl Committee on March 10, at the Intercontinental Hotel Miami. For more information visit jrorangebowl.org.
Finally, on Saturday, March 24, the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club’s Annual Gala promises to be its best ever with an Oscar theme, great entertainment, contests, silent auction , open bar, gourmet dinner by celebrity Chef Chris Valdes. At $75 per person for early bird reservations, this will be the best deal in town and all proceeds will help the club’s free children’s dental clinic that provides more than $220,000 in free care annually to the children of the working poor.
Until next time, keep making each day count.