After the Pinecrest Dadeland and Coral Gables Rotarians concluded a charity golf tournament at The Biltmore on February 5, it was time for folks to gather around the edge of the golf course for the big Rotary Annual Golf Ball Drop. A helicopter zoomed overhead, circled a hole and started dropping thousands of numbered golf balls purchased as part of a chance to win big prizes. While the golf tournament benefitted scholarships, the golf ball drop funds are directed to Rotary International’s Foundation that is helping eradicate polio worldwide. Chris Morrison, one of the Rotarians organizing the drop, announced that this crazy event has raise in excess of $402,000 over the past 8 or so years since it began.
That was a stellar day all around for the two clubs who also raised more than $10,000 for scholarships with the golf tournament. Congratulations to the Rotarian Bill Beckham’s team who placed first. An awards luncheon following the tournament and before the drop raised additional funds with an auction of some great prizes as well as a raffle. It was a great team effort on the part of the two clubs and other district Rotarians who stepped up to participate.
On March 13, the entire Rotary District 6990 will be sharing food a great afternoon at Tropical Park for their annual picnic. Coming off their Chili Cook Off on February 21, this event will offer a great opportunity to chill and socialize with all those who supported that event. Word is that Kendall Rotarian Zack Price is planning a Frisbee Golf Tournament for his club after he and his dad, Ira, participated in Coral Gables Rotary’s Chili Cook Off this past Sunday, February 21. More on that later.
In yet other Rotary news, the Pinecrest Club has had some great speakers such as author and ex-FBI agent Sam Martinez, who authored Systemic Evil. Most recently the club invited as a guest speaker first time author Robert Earl, who is currently studying at The University of Miami. This world traveler knows Miami’s most dangerous and desperate inner city. Having himself overcome and lived in the dark abyss of drug addiction for more than 20 years, Earl’s debut novel, Miami Contingent, is a story of a young girl caught in a dangerous and tough family environment in Miami who tries to protect her younger brother and find a better way. Written with passion and stark reality, this promises to be a great and insightful read.
The Pinecrest Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, 7:30 a.m., at the Miami Dadeland Marriott, 9090 S. Dadeland Blvd. in Pinecrest. Visiting Rotarians are welcome and parking is available across the street at Publix.
Until next time, keep making each day count!
If you would like to submit information for this column, please send your news via email to Gloria@communitynewspapers.com.