A Benefit for the Holocaust Teacher Institute at the University of Miami

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Understanding the Holocaust is essential, perhaps now more than ever before.

We are fortunate because it is taught in the Miami Dade County Public Schools by State of Florida mandate and because our teachers are prepared by the University of Miami   Holocaust Teacher Institute.  Information on the program is available online at the Holocaust Teacher Institute.

Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff has been the Founding Director of the Institute for the past 22 years, building a system that gives public school teachers the necessary facts and presentational skills to handle this history which requires sensitivity.  The impact is evident in the class discussions and formal statements from participating students.

Dr. Klein Kassenoff is a child survivor who was trained at Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as by the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Training teachers to teach about the Holocaust with sensitivity and historical accuracy has been her life’s mission.

The Institute requires independent funding.  In support of this work, we have invited renowned scholar Dr. Michael Berenbaum to speak to us about the Holocaust.  He will be in Miami on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.  His presentation will begin at 7 pm in the Truist Pavilion of the New World Center, 500 17th Street, Miami Beach, FL.  The evening will include a short program by pianist Noah Sonderling playing music of composers who did not survive the Holocaust.   We will also hear from selected teachers and students who have benefited from the program.

Seats may be reserved with a contribution of $200 each through the UM website:


Proceeds to benefit the UM Holocaust Teacher Institute

Dr. Berenbaum is a scholar, professor, rabbi, writer, and filmmaker who has had a profound effect on Holocaust education in this country.  He has written eighteen books and received two Academy Awards for his films.  His most widely read book is “The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust,” a work that was developed while he served as Project Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC.  Noah Sonderling is a piano Fellow of the New World Symphony.  We plan a reception for Dr. Berenbaum in the Atrium following the presentation.

We hope you will choose to support this critical work through this event.   We ask that you encourage your friends to join us on October 25th.

We will be grateful for your support. If you are unable to attend but would like to support our mission, here is the link to donate for which we thank you deeply.


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