A great show for groups, Big Bang returns to Actors’ Playhouse

A great show for groups, Big Bang returns to Actors' Playhouse

Actors’ Playhouse has brought back one of this writer’s all time favorites, Big Bang, a production you will want to see again and again. It is that funny.

Opening night for this hilarious show starring Nick Santa Maria and Ken Clement was July 27. For organizations looking for a summer social, the theater has great group rates and can even help with a reception as so many have done in the past. In fact, on Aug. 6, Rotarians from several District 6990 clubs gather for a R2R reception followed by the show.

On Aug. 8, Coral Gables Rotarians will be attending a social hosted by their club in conjunction with the Coral Gables Bar Association at the new Aloft Hotel on LeJeune at 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for members and $20 for non members and may be purchased at the door.

In other club news, the Rotary Club past president Felix Pardo has taken over the job of program chair for his Coral Gables Club and already has presented some great speakers. Izzy Reyes, former Circuit Court Judge of the Eleventh Circuit of Florida spoke to the Rotary Club of Coral Gables on July 12 on the topic of Judicial Screening. This was a timely topic appreciated by all.

As is the custom, Izzy received a certificate of donation in his name to vaccinate 20 children as part of Rotary International Polio Plus effort.

Also, receiving the same consideration was the July 26 speaker, Alice Bravo, director of Miami Dade County Transportation and Public Works. Bravo, whose department operates the 15th largest transportation system in the U.S., addressed the challenges and plans for improving connections between rail routes on various corridors to extend service in all directions.

Yet another surprise guest who attended the July 19 meeting was Frank Devlyn, a past president of Rotary International who was visiting from Mexico. He visited four clubs around South Florida on this trip.

Coral Gables Rotarians meet the first four Thursdays of each month at the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables at noon. Lunch is $29 and visiting Rotarians always are welcomed.

There are lots of dates to save for the fall.

Oct. 20 is a busy night with the Gala for A Safe Haven for Newborns and Coral Gables Woman’s Club Halloween party. PACE Center for Girls fifth annual Believing in Girls Luncheon will be Thursday, Oct. 25, at the Hotel Colonnade, 180 Aragon Ave. in Coral Gables.

Wishing you all a happy summer and time to enjoy before school begins in just weeks.

Until next time, keep making each day count.

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A graduate of the University of Florida with a major in Spanish, Burns has an extensive background in advertising, marketing and reciprocal trade, travel , non profit consulting and management. Before joining Miami's Community Newspapers as a columnist and marketing specialist, Gloria was the Executive Director of the Jr. Orange Bowl Committee (6 yrs.) and first Executive Director of the Coral Gables Community Foundation (14 yrs.) and the Pinecrest Community Foundation (1 ½ yrs) . Burns' volunteer activities led her to become a columnist for Community Newspapers writing Gloria’s Gab, that focuses on the non-profit activity, and a host of an online show, Gloria's Gab LIVE. Gloria serves the board of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables as Civic and Charity Chair, and is involved in the club's International Committee. She is an active Life Member of the Jr. Orange Bowl Committee and is Secretary of the Merrick Festival. She serves on the board of directors of the Coral Gables Woman' Club as Publicity Chair and also coordinates the club's monthly fundraiser for various charities with Gringo Bingo at Clutch Burger. In addition, Gloria participates in numerous other charitable events and is a member of the Business Forum Group, Profit Inc., the Greater Miami Festival & Events Association and the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce. In other volunteer activity, Gloria helps Miami Christian School with fund-raising and PR; is an Ambassador and volunteers for events for A Safe Haven for Newborns. She is an active member of the Music Ministry at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church where she enjoys singing in the choir every weekend.