As it reaches its 100th anniversary, the American Legion continues to perform its honorable duties silently and generally out of the public eye.
American Legion Posts across the country serve the veterans who served. It is comprised of former military members who were in the U.S. Armed Forces during an conflict such as Vietnam or the Persian Gulf.
In Coral Gables, Post 98 provides veterans with a place to meet, relax, enjoy a great meal, network and organize to give back to the community with various programs like Boy’s State and Girl’s State, the yearly Oratorical Contest and Flag Retirement.
Retirement of the American Flags is one of the programs that the Legion takes part in every year. This year, the Coral Gables Post 98’s officers went to the Riviera Fire Station to dispose of flags that have become unserviceable. The retirement of the colors is a formal and dignified event that takes place once a year.
Commander Art Angelica of Post 98 considers the duty an honor. He organizes the event every year.
“Businesses and private citizens can retire their unserviceable flags to any Legion Post for proper ceremonial disposal. It is important to retire our flags with dignity and respect.”
The last annual Flag Retirement Ceremony took place on Feb. 20. The commander assembled the honor guard and opened with a few words of respect for the flags.
Flags, of all sizes and shapes, were gathered from all over the city. However, there were some flags that could not be retired that day due to their large size.
Members of the Coral Gables Fire Department were present to assist with the ceremony. After the solemn speech, the fire was lit by firefighters and post officers, and the flags were placed into it.