Candidates running for city commission Group III seat – Wayne ‘Chip’ Withers

Candidates running for city commission Group III seat - Wayne ‘Chip’ Withers
Candidates running for city commission Group III seat - Wayne ‘Chip’ Withers
Wayne ‘Chip’ Withers

Wayne “Chip” Withers is running for the Group III seat of the Coral Gables City Commission against incumbent Patricia Keon in the Apr. 11 municipal election.

Withers is a fourth generation Miamian, born on Dec. 11, 1951 and has been a resident of Coral Gables since 1951. He is the son of Wayne E. Withers Sr. and Aneita Blount Withers of Charleston, SC. Chip is married to Cindy Snyder Withers and has four children — daughters Emily (39), Ashley (36), and Shaefer (28); son Taylor (30), and eight grandchildren.

Wayne Withers attended Sunset Elementary School, Ponce Junior High School and Coral Gables Senior High School. He received a BSBA degree from the University of Florida in 1973.

Withers is president of Withers Transfer & Storage of Coral Gables Inc., Withers Worldwide Forwarders Inc. and Withers Transportation Systems.

Withers completed five terms as a Coral Gables city commissioner and has served on numerous boards and in community organizations.
Withers responded to the following profile interview questions:

What motivated you to run for office?
I feel the city is a point in history where the next 10-15 years need to be well planned and a strategic plan in place. I feel I am able to bring to the leadership team a historical perspective as to what strategies we put in place 20 years ago worked and netted positive results and which one did not.

What do you think are the three most important issues facing the city today?
Traffic, over development, crime against property.

Do you think the city does a good job of soliciting and listening to citizen input on projects?

Do you think that Streetscape was the right use of resources at the right time?

Is the city managing development properly?

Should High Pines and Little Gables be annexed?

Why are you the best person for the job?
Same as answer No.1 — I can bring insights to the management based on 20 years of experience. I now see results of policies we put into place 15-20 years ago.

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