Celebrating Community Spirit: Dedication of Camp Mahachee Front Entrance in Coral Gables

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On March 7, 2024, the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida in Coral Gables hosted the 11-acre Camp Mahachee Front Entrance dedication, a treasured camp on Old Cutler Road. The camp features shelters, meeting space, cabins and a hardwood hammock, and is used for all kinds of youth activities.

Two plaques were unveiled, one in honor of all the donors, organizations and individuals who donated their time and investment and another separate plaque on a coral rock bench that recognized the Kerdyk family for their leadership and support. William ‘Bill’ Kerdyk, Jr. and his wife Lynn, whose vision brought this project to the Coral Gables Garden Club, collaborated with a team of experts from Miami-Dade County, the Coral Gables Community Foundation, and the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida. Close to $90,000 in cash plus in-kind donations were raised in a community-wide fundraising campaign.

The VIPs who gave remarks at the dedication were Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Cava, Coral Gables Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson, Coral Gables Vice Mayor Emeritus William ‘Bill’ Kerdyk, Jr., Coral Gables Garden Club President Susan Rodriguez and Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida CEO Chelsea Wilkerson. Other VIPS in attendance were Coral Gables Community Foundation Executive Director Mary Snow and Lynn Kerdyk.

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