City purchases lots to protect majestic oak trees

City purchases lots to protect majestic oak trees
City purchases lots to protect majestic oak trees
Pictured at the signing ceremony are (l-r) city manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark, Commissioner Vince Lago, Mayor Jim Cason, Commissioners Pat Keon and Jeannette Slesnick, and city attorney Craig Leen.

The City of Coral Gables recently hosted a signing ceremony to close the purchase of two lots of approximately 10,000 square feet on Lisbon Street to protect beautiful specimen oak trees comprising Sherman’s Oak.

Members of the city commission directed staff to negotiate the purchase of these lots as part of a dispute resolution agreement with property owner PalmCorp Development Group. The lots in this North Gables neighborhood contain three oak trees with heights of approximately 50 feet and a spread of 50 to 60 feet. This area will now be transformed into a desirable green space for the benefit of the public.

More than 100 neighbors in the Granada Section supported the effort to save the oak trees from removal.

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