Congresswoman Donna Shalala to Lead Hearing on Human Trafficking

“Solving an Epidemic: Addressing human trafficking around major events like the Super Bowl and the need for cross-jurisdictional solutions” to examine how to improve federal response and preparedness efforts

Congresswoman Donna Shalala (FL-27) announced today that Congressman Alcee Hastings (FL-20), Chairman of the Rules Committee’s Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, has invited her to lead a subcommittee hearing on human trafficking Wednesday, December 11th at 10:30 AM EDT in H-313, the Capitol. “Solving an Epidemic: Addressing human trafficking around major events like the Super Bowl and the need for cross-jurisdictional solutions” will focus on the complexities of combatting human trafficking, ways the federal government is assisting local law enforcement, and the additional resources needed to increase prevention.

“Sadly, human trafficking affects communities all across our nation, but the Super Bowl is a day that could help shine a light on something that persists largely in the shadows. The United States has one of the highest rates of human trafficking in the world and it only increases in local communities that are home to major events and heavy tourism. I am painfully aware that my home state of Florida is not alone in facing this epidemic, which is why I have introduced several bills to address this urgent issue, including H.R.4388, a bipartisan bill to prevent youth human trafficking and exploitation, which would provide prevention training in our high-need school communities. As preparations for Super Bowl LIV continue in Miami, I welcome my esteemed colleague, Congresswoman Donna Shalala’s leadership on this important hearing, which will examine how the federal government can better fight this heinous form of modern-day slavery,” said Chairman Hastings.


“I want to thank Chairman Hastings for the opportunity to lead this hearing. Human trafficking is a challenge that countless communities across America – including my own – are struggling with every day,” said Congresswoman Shalala. “Congress has the power to provide real solutions to this problem, but we need to understand how to best address the challenges that human trafficking presents. I look forward to hearing the testimony of our expert witnesses so my staff and I may be better equipped to craft policy to effectively curb this terrible practice.”

WHAT: Subcommittee Hearing on Human Trafficking

WHEN: Wednesday, December 11 at 10:30 AM EDT

WHERE:  H-313, The Capitol – The hearing will be streamed online at

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