Coral Gables recently was named one of the top five most livable communities in the world with a population of between 20,000 and 75,000 by the United Nations-backed International Awards for Livable Communities (LivCom).
Coral Gables was judged by an international panel of experts on its efforts to enhance the natural and built environments, foster arts and culture, implement environmental best practices, plan strategically, promote a healthy lifestyle, and encourage community participation and empowerment.
“We are delighted that the hard work of all stakeholders to make our community the best it can be is also elevating Coral Gables’ stature to
one of the most elite cities in the world,” said Mayor Jim Cason, who represented the city at the awards.
The LivCom awards boosts civic pride, increases tourism and investment in the city and raises its international profile.
“This prestigious award proves that our efforts at enhancing the quality of life for residents is paying off,” said city manager Pat Salerno. “When we use the words ‘world class’ to describe the city we now know these words have real meaning and the rest of the world agrees with us. Our city and residents should be proud as I am of our achievements.”
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