CRAVE at the Village of Merrick Park continues to provide local charities with ongoing support with its CRAVE Cares program and other numerous outreach efforts. The Rotary Club of Coral Gables is partnering with CRAVE to orchestrate its next Wine and Dine for Charity event on Tuesday, Apr. 23, 6:30 p.m.
Event chair Rodney Langer promises a fun-filled evening for all as guests enjoy a champagne reception, courtesy of Yolanda Woodbridge, followed by a four course gourmet dinner with wine pairings for an all inclusive price of $125 per person. Proceeds will benefit the Coral Gables Rotary Foundation and The First Tee Foundation. To reserve space, call 305-968-3090.
Yet another charity benefiting from CRAVE’s community outreach will be the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club’s May Van Sickle Children Dental Clinic. During the month of April, CRAVE will donate a percentage of sales to support this dental clinic that provides more than $220,000 in dental care annually to children who fall between the cracks in our health care system.
Club members are looking forward to celebrating this partnership with a reception hosted by CRAVE on Apr. 17.

Club president Mireya Kilmon encourages women interested in getting involved in this dynamic club to attend this event and learn more about the club outreach programs. One such recent effort was orchestrated by Home Life cochair Carol Rosenau who collected the materials and put club members to work making 30 blankets to be donated to the children through Project Linus. Among the many women helping with this project were Barbara Lapsley, Pam and Sandy Schaefer and Dr. Iris Torres- Rivera to mention a few. For more information on the club and its dental clinic, visit www.coralgableswomansclub.org.
Speaking of active women, if you are a “workaholic” business owner, “Ms. Biz Doctor, Hilda Cadenas-Miller, has your formula for success. A management business consultant with 25 years of experience working with organizations such as American Express, Chase Manhattan, and the University of Miami, Hilda delivers her message every Wednesday, 8 a.m., on WIOD. Hilda welcomes input from other business leaders who want to be heard on the show and she can be reached at 786-252- 4134 or via email at hilda@msbizdoc.org. Those interested may view and download the 12 Steps to Business Prosperity for the Workaholic at www.msbizdoc.org.
Finally, Ladies, mark your calendar for the Annual Women’s Fund of Miami- Dade Power of the Purse Luncheon on Friday, Apr. 19, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at Jungle Island, Treetop Ballroom, 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail on Watson Island. This always is a fabulous event with a great program and a silent auction offering an assortment of items including incredible designer handbags. Tickets are $125 per person.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
If you want to submit information for this column, please send your news via email to gloriagalburns@aol.com