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Some general surgeries should not be delayed due to an increased risk of complications from postponing necessary care. In some circumstances putting off a needed general surgery procedure can result in possible loss of organ function. Waiting until later for vital general surgery care can also result in the development of acute symptoms and disease progression. Your health can’t wait.
Conservative Management, Non-Surgical Approach and When General Surgery Should Be Performed
Earlier on during the COVID-19 Pandemic, elective surgery cases were halted. Because of elective surgery postponement and fear of contracting the COVID-19 virus, some people delayed visits to the emergency room, their doctor, and their healthcare needs in general. However, during that time period, emergency general surgery procedures continued. Conservative management for ailments being considered for elective general surgery care became a more in-depth focus.
In May 2020, elective surgeries in the State of Florida were resumed. One of the early safeguards in place involved preoperative COVID-19 testing numerous days prior to an elective general surgery. Precautions to limit infection from respiratory droplets have also been taken by operating room staff during general surgery which includes continued use of a surgical mask and eye covering as a protection against the disease. Elective surgical procedures for patients testing positive for COVID-19 ought to be postponed until the individual is no longer infectious and has recovered from COVID-19 symptoms.
General surgery should be performed when operative intervention is needed for a wide variety of ailments including disorders and conditions affecting the alimentary tract, abdomen and its contents, breast, skin and soft tissue, endocrine system, surgical critical care, surgical oncology and trauma. The second leading cause of cancer death in women is breast cancer. It is important to understand, delaying a breast cancer screening can postpone diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer perhaps at an earlier stage of the disease when it may be curable. If breast cancer is given the chance to grow without medical management fewer options may be available for treatment.
Sterotactic Breast Biopsy
A breast biopsy is a procedure used to extract a small amount of tissue from the body to help doctors study and evaluate an area of the breast which may have undergone cellular changes and is now under suspicion as a source of breast cancer. During a stereotactic breast biopsy, 3D imaging guided by mammogram technology is used to pinpoint a location for a biopsy needle to extract tissue from a breast lump or area with a high level of concern. This is a highly effective and accurate procedure which uses local anesthesia and is almost painless. Sterotactic breast biopsy is a very efficient tool in the detection of breast cancer.
Hernia Repair
Hernias are defects in which abdominal contents such as bowels can become trapped or stuck causing incarceration and even strangulation. This type of hernia defect can become a real medical emergency. If a hernia is causing pain and begins to affect an individual’s quality of life, elective hernia repair surgery should be something to talk over with your doctor. Doing this could prevent an emergency. Delaying emergent hernia care could result in a more complicated procedure requiring extensive surgery and hospitalization.
A hernia repair procedure is performed using a traditional (open) hernia repair or via robotic hernia repair which is a minimally-invasive procedure with minimal incision. Most hernia repairs do not require overnight hospitalization.
COVID SAFE and COVID CARE zones and safety protocols remain in place at Coral Gables Hospital and Tenet Florida Physician Services offices. The hospital’s operating and emergency rooms as well as our offices are very safe. If you’re in pain or discomfort your health can’t wait; don’t delay your care.
Dr. Alexis Abril | Dr. Alexis Abril is an experienced general surgeon specializing in general surgery, stereotactic breast biopsy, hernia repair, vascular surgery and peripheral noninvasive surgery. He is a member of the American Society of Breast Surgeons and the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. Dr. Abril’s Tenet Florida Physician Services office is located in Coral Gables, FL and he is on-staff at Coral Gables Hospital.