In honor of five Holocaust survivors who have impacted the Gulliver community by sharing their life-changing memories, a group of sixth grade students and faculty recently dedicated a fountain at Gulliver’s Academy Campus in Coral Gables.
Designed and created by Gulliver math faculty member Scott du Feu, the fountain is made of simple hardware, which is a reflection of the makeshift items Holocaust survivors used in their day-to-day life during their captivity.
The names of the five survivors were engraved on individual bricks that surround the fountain. These include: Bozenna Urbanowicz- Gilbride, Inge Auerbacher, Marty Baranek, Simon Konover and Annie Reinfeld.
The ceremony consisted of an appearance by Holocaust survivor and co-author of Children of Terror, Bozenna Urbanowicz Gilbrid; a presentation by the fountain’s designer, and a showcase of student’s Holocaust studyinspired works in poetry, art and music. Using their knowledge and imagination, three students recited their own “escape” from a concentration camp while another duo displayed the Y-shirts they designed regarding this point in history.
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