The Health Foundation of South Florida has announced that Thao M.P. Tran, MD, MPH, has been elected chair of its board of directors.
The board leads South Florida’s largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to improving health and health services for all residents in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. Dr. Tran, who is the medical director of Kesier University’s Graduate School Physician Assistant Program, has served on the Foundation’s board since 2012.
Dr. Tran, who has held numerous leadership roles and has assisted healthcare entities with federal and state regulatory compliance, legal issues, revenue cycle management, patient safety and quality outcomes, is devoted to working in the public sector to improve quality of life and health/wellness indicators for Miami- Dade County.
She has assisted the Health Council of South Florida (HCSF), Jackson Health System, Achieve Miami and other key community partners on Population Health Management strategies by evaluating alternative healthcare finance and delivery systems to promote accountable care communities.
According to Steven E. Marcus, EdD, Health Foundation of South Florida president and CEO, “Thao’s vast knowledge of healthcare, operational expertise and innovative approaches to enhancing population health outcomes makes her ideally suited to take on the responsibility of board chairwoman.”
Dr. Tran earned her degree in Chemical Engineering from California Polytechnic University, holds a medical degree from University of Minnesota and a Master of Public Health from Loyola University. She has practiced medicine in an academic setting for over 15 years and has assisted both higher education institutions and healthcare entities with federal and state regulatory compliance, legal issues, revenue cycle management, patient safety and quality outcomes.
Health Foundation of South Florida’s other officers for this term are J. Everett Wilson, Esq., Akerman LLP as vice chair, and Karen Gilmore, vice president, Regional Executive Federal Reserve of Atlanta, Miami Branch as secretary. Loreen Chant, president and CEO of Easter Seals South Florida, is the immediate past chair.
Completing Health Foundation of South Florida’s board are: Richard B. Adams, Esq.; Melida Akiti, LCSW; Luther Brewster Jr., PhD; Javier Casillas, MBA; Michael DeLucca, MHN; Carol Fine; Philip Grossman, MD; Ines Hernandez, MPH; Susan Kelley; Roderick King, MD. and Barbara Ronda, MHSA.
Health Foundation of South Florida, a nonprofit organization, improves health through community investments for health promotion and preventive services. With leadership and effective partnerships on a national, state and local level, the foundation advances the ability of residents in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties to lead healthier lives. Since its founding in 1993, the foundation has worked with more than 400 organizations and awarded over $120 million.