Even though I have been in the same school for already 7 years, middle school was a big impact on me and my knowledge. I’ve been an A1A student all my 7 years of school, but the difficulty of school went up way more than I expected in middle school. I got B1A which I never get!!
Math with Mrs. Piedra was difficult, science with Mrs. Bloch harder than usual but interesting, Spanish with Mr. Prieto so easy (I am argentinian and know the language).
Language Arts with Mrs. Infante and Mrs. Abreu… essays, more and more essays! P.E with coach Padron was different and more hard working than usual quiz wise, but the nautical crew was entertaining. And last but not least, U.S. History with Mrs. Payne, also my homeroom teacher, fun all year round!
But in the middle of the year I started picking everything up and got on track. Not because of my thinking, but because of my teachers’. They helped me so much on understanding different subjects. So thank you Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Infante, Mrs. Abreu, Mrs Bloch, Mrs. Piedra, Mr. Prieto and Coach Padron for everything in 6th grade.
All I have to say is that everything is an experience that seems harder at first until it becomes easy.
Sophia Perez Estevez is a 6th grade student who is currently attending Coral Gables Prepratory Academy.
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