“Sundays on the Porch with George” is a series of free community events presented by the City of Coral Gables and Merrick House Governing Board. Each signature event takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. at Merrick House, 907 Coral Way. The schedule through the end of the year:
• Oct. 26, Halloween Hoedown — Begin the fall season with a celebration of the harvest and Halloween. Enjoy the Coral Gables Fire Department’s famous barbecue, live music and dancing, scarecrow competition, Zombie Ice Costume parade (please come in costume), Halloween and fire safety tips.
• Nov. 23, Althea’s Garden Party — Celebrate the season of giving thanks with the South Beach Chamber Ensemble. Mark the holidays with delectables and treasures from over 20 artisanal food and gift vendors, farmers market, native plant and edible garden demo, Q & A with master gardeners, award-winning author and chef Ellen Kanner, plant and orchid sales, edible South Florida and Raffle provided by Tuuci Umbrellas.
• Dec. 14, Annual Holiday Open House — Join in on the lawn and in the house for an afternoon of seasonal delights, live holiday music, Santa visit courtesy of the Coral Gables Fire Department, local vendors, face painting, holiday decorations by the Coral Gables Garden Club, homemade cookies, coffee station, popcorn and sno-cones.