Letter to the Editor – Coral Gables

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We, a concerned group of Coral Gables residents, write to express our profound discontent and outrage at the recent efforts by a few individuals and special interests within and outside our community to recall Mayor Vince Lago. Since his election over three years ago, Mayor Lago has epitomized integrity, respect, and transparency in his leadership.

The efforts to recall Mayor Lago are not only misguided but also deeply harmful to the cohesive fabric of our community. These actions appear to be driven by personal differences rather than any substantive critique of his leadership or policies. It is crucial to recognize that such divisive endeavors serve no constructive purpose; they only threaten to tarnish Coral Gables’ reputation across Miami-Dade County and the broader state of Florida.

Mayor Lago’s leadership has been marked by a sincere and effective approach to governance, and he has always demonstrated a willingness to listen and engage with residents not only during commission meetings but also through weekly open office hours.

It is disheartening to see a small group attempt to undermine the stability and progress of our city for reasons that seem to stem from personal grievances rather than the common good. We believe that the time and resources spent on this recall effort would be far better utilized in collaborative efforts to address the actual challenges facing Coral Gables.

We stand in solidarity with Mayor Vince Lago and urge our fellow residents to look beyond the noise and distraction of this recall effort. Let us instead focus on constructive dialogue and collective action to continue improving our beloved city. Our community deserves no less.


The Undersigned Residents of Coral Gables

Mario Aguilar

Ine Santeiro Aguilar

Susana Dargelo Alvarez

Gerardo Alvarez

Richard Amundsen

Margarita M. Angulo

Tony Argiz

Willy A. Bermello

Daisy Bermello

Martha M. Centurion

Jose J. Centurion M.D.

Alfonso A. Cueto

Blanchie Cueto

Margarita Delgado

Gloria Erdmann

Ana V. Faget

Raul F. Faget

Lee Allen Feinberg, 731 Malaga Ave

Alicia Fernandez

Rita Fernandez

Dr. Aurelio Fernandez

Millie Garcia Navarro

Alberto Gongora

Frank Gonzalez

Jorge L. Hernandez

Alina P. Hernandez

Samuel Lawson, 450 Camilo Ave

Sasha Lawson, 450 Camilo Ave

Sergio Leymarie

Dinorah Maluf, 401 Camilo Ave

Jose Martinez Cañas

Ana Veiga Milton

Beatriz Morales

Niberto L. Moreno

Gilda P. Moreno

Jaime Pardo

Zully Pardo

Jim Parke, 426 Sarto Ave

Josie Parke, 426 Sarto Ave

Juanita Pesant

Roberto Pesant

Gudelia Prieto

Julio Ramirez

Alvaro Silva

Alex Bucelo

Elena Torres, 415 Aledo Ave

Fernando Valdes, 411 Camilo Ave

Raul Valdes-Fauli

Adam J. Yormack, Esq.

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