Miami Dade-County Carlos A. Gimenez joins with ChamberSOUTH for a very special event Friday morning, Jan. 27. Several hundred members of the business community, friends, and guests will be in attendance for this exciting General Membership Breakfast, presented by Kendall Regional Medical Center, starting at 7:15 a.m.
Also enjoy great networking and a hot-buffet breakfast on the way to work. Register at the door ($35 members / $45 future members) and get validation for complementary parking in Datran One Parking Garage.
ChamberSOUTH’s Breakfast Meetings take place the 4th Friday of the month – it’s the best place to see and be seen if you’re a businessperson and, of course, it’s a great place to garner exposure for your company. Contact ChamberSOUTH at 305-661-1621.