The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) recently released results from the Spring 2018 administration of the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) 2.0 Science, and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) End-of-Course (EOC) assessments.
“Our students continue to soar academically as evidenced by the results of the Florida Standards Assessment,” said schools superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho. “The exemplary gains achieved in subject matter proficiency are phenomenal, but not surprising.
The collaborative work of our students, parents, teachers, school and district education leaders continues to demonstrate the value of focused learning, instructional creativity, visionary school leadership, and strong School Board support. This is an achievement that the entire M-DCPS family and community can celebrate.”
Overall, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) students demonstrated unparalleled success on the statewide assessments, across all content areas and grade levels. Highlights of the results include:
• On the FSA ELA assessment, M-DCPS students in all grades 3 through 10 outscored the state and other large districts, both in terms of the percentage scoring Levels 3 and above, and in terms of growth.
• On the FSA Mathematics assessment, M-DCPS students in all grades 3 through 8 outpaced or matched the state in terms of gains from 2017 to 2018. M-DCPS also outscored and outpaced other large districts in Mathematics, including Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, and Orange counties, and met the gains made by students in Palm Beach County.
• The percentage of students passing the grade 10 FSA ELA graduation test increased from 50 percent in 2017 to 54 percent in 2018, also outpacing the state’s passing rate.
• The percentage of students passing the Algebra 1 graduation test increased from 59 percent in 2017 to 60 percent in 2018.
• On the FCAT 2.0 Science assessment, the percentage of grade 5 students passing increased by5 percentage points from 2017 to 2018, also outpacing the state in proficiency and growth.
• M-DCPS students’ performance on the End-of-Course (EOC) assessments also improved in Geometry, Biology, Civics and U.S. History
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