The new school year is here and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is offering a new after school program for children ages 7-10 — Mindful Kids Miami. This 10- session program takes place every Tuesday from Sept. 24 to Nov. 26, 4:30-5:15 p.m., in Fairchild’s Visitor Center Ballroom.
Kids will learn how to incorporate mindfulness into their lives through games, yoga, exercises, relaxation and kindness practices. Classes are taught by Mindful Kids Miami’s seasoned professionals who have been teaching yoga and mindfulness for years.
The goal of teaching mindfulness is to improve attention, reduce stress and build empathy while decreasing anxiety, hostility and impulsive behavior. A study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology found that elementary schoolchildren who were taught to integrate mindful awareness practices in a classroom setting had improvements in behavioral regulation, metacognition, and overall executive functioning (Flook et al, 2010).
This is an after school activity for kids to sharpen their minds while relieving any stressors that may be bothering them. Whether their anxiety comes from taking tests, making new friends or completing homework, mindfulness works to alleviate it.
The fee for 10 sessions is $150 for Fairchild members and $200 for non-members. Call 305-667-1651, ext. 3322, to reserve a spot.