If you are a Coral Gables resident who needs specialized transportation assistance during an emergency evacuation, you must register for the Miami-Dade County’s Emergency & Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP).
Do not wait until the last minute. If you require evacuation assistance you have to register in advance prior to an emergency to ensure help will be given when needed.
Eligibility for the Emergency & Evacuation Assistance Program requires one of the following conditions:
• You are unable to evacuate on your own due to a specialized transportation need.
• You are homebound and unable to walk to a bus pickup point and do not have anyone who can provide transportation.
• You have medical needs that prevent you from evacuating on your own.
• You are bedbound.
• You are on life-sustaining medical equipment that requires electricity.
• You require assistance with daily living activities.
For more information about the EEAP program or to register online visit https://www8.miamidade.gov/global/service.page Mduid_service=ser1470238193996672.