The City of Coral Gables recently passed a new ordinance that prohibits buttons, pyramids, reflectors and other permanent encroachments in the public right of way without approval from the city.
To ensure property is in compliance with city code, residents are asked to follow these simple steps:
Removal and re-use
• Remove all concrete domes (buttons) and pyramids, reflectors and other similar materials from the public right of way swale adjacent to the property by July 12, 2016.
• Fill in and level any holes or indentations that remain after these materials are removed.
• Consider re-using them on your private property to emphasize a walk or pathway, accent a planting area, or to ring a tree. Be creative!Otherwise, place them next to your trash pile and the city will pick them up.
Think before you throw
If the buttons cannot be re-used or re-purposed, follow these requirements for disposal:
• Place a maximum of 10 buttons per collection in your trash pile.
• Wait until you have other yard waste or bulk trash collection before placing buttons in the trash pile.
• Do not place buttons in your garbage container.
Code enforcement
• If these materials are not removed within 90 days, the city will remove the items and may assess the cost to the property owner.
• Property owners who obtained permits to install these items may apply for a refund of the permit fee within 30 days of removing the items.
• Reinstallation of these items after their removal is a code enforcement violation punishable by a fine of $100 per day.
For more information, call 305-460-5000, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.