Coral Gables Hyatt Regency Hotel, 50 Alhambra Plaza, Coral Gables

The Rotary Club of Coral Gables will present the annual Coral Gables Martin Hughes Citizen of the Year Award to Wayne “Chip” Withers on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at the Rotary Club luncheon meeting at the Coral Gables Hyatt Regency.
This is the thirteenth year the club has honored the memory of Rotarian Martin Hughes with this award. He conceived it to recognize Coral Gables citizens who displayed generosity and commitment to philanthropy and service in concert with the principles of Rotary. Past honorees include David Lawrence, Robert Fewell, Roxcy Bolton, Leona Cooper, Judge Steven Leifman, Pedro Greer, Bill Kerdyk, Jr. and former Mayor Dorothy Thompson, to name a few.
Award recipients must have lived in the City of Coral Gables for five years, been involved in several different fields of community service, have contributed for more than one year, and whose contributions are generally recognized.
This year’s winner, Wayne “Chip” Withers is a fourth generation Miamian, born on Dec. 11, 1951 and has been a resident of Coral Gables since 1951. He is the son of Wayne E. Withers Sr. and Aneita Blount Withers of Charleston, SC. Chip is married to Cindy Snyder Withers and has four children — daughters Emily, Ashley, and Shaefer, son Taylor, and eight grandchildren.
Chip attended Sunset Elementary School, Ponce Junior High School and Coral Gables Senior High School. He received a BSBA degree from the University of Florida in 1973. He is president of Withers Transfer & Storage of Coral Gables Inc., Withers Worldwide Forwarders Inc. and Withers Transportation Systems.
Withers completed five terms as a Coral Gables city commissioner. Previously, Mr. Withers served on the City of Coral Gables’ Planning and Zoning, Economic Development, Code Enforcement, Youth Advisory and Parks and Recreation Boards. He served as President of the Pan American International Mover’s Association and a Member of the University of Florida Alumni Association. He serves as the Chairman of The Alpha-1 Project, Inc. He serves as a Board Member of the Alpha -1 Foundation. He serves as board member of the University of Florida Foundation. He served as one of the founding board members of the Coral Gables Foundation. He was Director of Bank of Coral Gables. Mr. Withers served as the Governor’s appointee to the small Business Council of the State of Florida and was honored as one of Ronald McDonald House’s Twelve Good Men. He is a Member of the UF Foundation Board and the UF Gator Booster Organization.
In 2003, the non-profit Coral Gables Museum Corp. was formed under his leadership and the City of Coral Gables to direct and operate a museum in the Old Police and Fire Station. In 2008, work began in earnest on the restoration, renovation and expansion of the 1939 WPA building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In November 2011, the Coral Gables Museum unveiled the inaugural exhibits and began its first year of full operation. In 2013, the Coral Gables Museum became the Official Visitor Center for the City Beautiful. Chip holds the position of Chairman Emeritus (2014-2017) on the Board of Trustees.
The Rotary Club of Coral Gables meets every Thursday at 12:15 p.m. at the Coral Gables Hyatt Regency Hotel. Interested in learning more about the organization? Call us at 305-441-8063 for more information or email