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On Friday, May 12th, a loggerhead sea turtle that is presently receiving care at Zoo Miami’s Sea Turtle Hospital, was transported to Advanced Veterinary Care Specialists in Davie, FL, to receive a computed tomography (CT) scan.  The transport and care was managed by Zoo Miami Associate Veterinarian, Dr. Marisa Bezjian, assisted by Animal Health Specialist, Julie Heyde.  Veterinary Internist, Dr. Luis Macho, performed the scan and donated his time, staff and facility to Zoo Miami in support of the care of this endangered turtle.

The turtle was brought to Zoo Miami on April 27th after being found tangled in buoy line at the Deering Estate.  It was suffering from several tumors caused by the fibropapilloma virus.  This virus has had been documented in all species of sea turtles but rare in loggerheads.  The severity of the tumors can range from mild, causing small external tumors, to severe, causing massive external tumors that can result in blindness and other debilitating factors, as well as internal tumors on vital organs that usually lead to death.  Though we know it is caused by a type of Herpes virus, it is not known why it has become so prevalent over the last several decades. There have been several studies that indicate it may be linked to pollution and climate change. 

This particular individual is a sub-adult, estimated to be between 15-20 years old, and weighing just over 100 pounds.  Its gender is unknown at this time as it is very difficult to determine the sex of sub-adult sea turtles.

Initial results of the CT scan indicate that the tumors may have spread to internal organs which could result in a very grim prognosis for this turtle.  The Animal Health Team will evaluate the detailed results of all tests to discuss what will be the best course of action moving forward.

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