Showing Appreciation for Hospital Heroes

Dr. Aryeh Pressah and Baptist Health emergency room nurses receive a card and special delivery from Jeff Jackson of the First Horizon Foundation.
Jeff Jackson

With Miami-Dade County preparing for a likely peak with Covid-19 cases in the coming days, it is a time to let our front line hospital workers know how they are apprciated for placing their lives in danger.

Every nurse, doctor and technician on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic needs our support. Now that personal protective equipment (PPE) is becoming more accessible, let’s make sure they receive everything needed now in addition to achieving future demands.

Recently there have beennurses in Florida forced to bring in their own PPE to hospital and healthcare facilities. Today, with several counties now approaching peaks with COVID-19 cases, all of us may show support for medical professionals. Small salutes are as meaningful as large gestures, so I encourage you to say “thanks” through social media, deliveries of cards or support of hospitals.

This week, our First Horizon Foundation provided a “thank you” card, along with the first delivery of 85,000 surgical and N95 masks that we are donating to Baptist Health for their 11 hospitals. Our gestures are a few ways of showing much needed support for individuals who many times we only see when we have a personal health challenge or an emergency. These healthcare professionals place themselves at great risk every day of a crisis.

Now is a critical preriod to show an outpour of support. Medical personnel are on the frontlines of the epidemic and are facing difficult times as they care for our communities, in addition to their own families.

If you or your organization have the means to forward a donation to help a local hospital, please don’t hesitate to connect and help during this unprecedented time. Certainly, we will get past this unprecedented time. Today, let’s recognize those who continue to make a difference.

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