The rain had finally stopped and Sister Rosalie Nagy, OCD, principal, called a special Friday outdoor assembly to reveal the new logo created for St. Theresa Catholic School. Students arrived to traditional marches being played to commemorate the very special occasion.
“It was a good time to look at updating the existing logo, which really is the Carmelite logo, and position ourselves for the future, and our 95th and 100th anniversaries, coming very soon,” Sister Rosalie said.
Toni Pallatto, director of Advancement and Marketing for the school, was given the assignment to develop a new look and perspective.
She reached out to the public relations chair of the Home and School Board, Patsy Linares, who has a design and marketing firm, PIL Creative Group, and the two immersed themselves in St. Theresa.
“I re-read Story of a Soul, the autobiography of St. Therese, and reflected a great deal on this amazing assignment,” Pallatto said. “It all came back to the image my mother had over her bed when I was growing up, taken by St. Therese’s sister, Celine.”
Linares and Pallatto creatively worked through the process, and over a three-month period, finally came up with a very symbolic logo.
“Embracing our past, celebrating our present, anticipating our future,” were the words that Pallatto and I came up with as we finalized the design,” Sister Rosalie explained.
Virtus et Scientia means “Virtue and Knowledge” and is the motto on the original logo of St. Joseph Academy in the 1920s, the school that transitioned into St. Theresa Catholic School. This coincides with the current mission and vision of STS, embracing that founding spirit.
The rose celebrates the present, representing the bottom flower of the infamous bouquet of roses held by St. Theresa in the classic photo.
“St. Theresa is our patroness of the school and we are a mission of the Church of the Little Flower,” Sister Rosalie said. “St. Theresa promised to ‘shower roses from Heaven’ as she continues to intercede for us as we practice her ‘Little Ways.’”
The Carmelite Shield and the three Stars of David reflect the Carmelite tradition at STS.
Navy blue was added to the palette of green and gold logo colors to symbolize stability, intelligence, unity, faith, truth and heaven.
“We wanted to capture this feeling as we anticipate our future,” Linares said. “Thousands of alumni, teachers and Sisters have gone before us giving us the love and confidence of St. Theresa. The circular emblem and the rays coming from behind the shield represent God’s and Our Lady’s presence as we move forward to our 95th and 100th anniversaries, and the circle is complete with the timelessness of God.”
All families received a magnet to affix to their cars to spread the good news.
For more information visit stscg.org.