“Feed My Sheep” is a new initiative at St. Thomas Episcopal Church and School, 5692 N. Kendall Dr, in Coral Gables, that once a month provides some 500 sandwiches to the homeless in Downtown Miami.
It is a third grade hands-on project at the school in which a few kids create an assembly line and make the sandwiches during a portion of their lunchtime. During the process, Roberta Meyeringh, a school administrator, discusses the importance of their work and how a person might just have that one sandwich on any given day because of their contribution. All third graders have the opportunity to participate and gain a true understanding of working to help others.
“This is my absolute favorite community project,” Meyeringh said. “The children love being selected as the ones that get to make the sandwiches because the work they do makes them feel great about themselves. There is so much satisfaction in making a difference.”
St. Thomas Church asks volunteers to come in once a month so that the sandwiches can be made. A group of 8-10 volunteers gather and enjoy fellowship while they are engaged in this most important outreach activity. The sandwiches are delivered and are given to those who now count on this meal for themselves and members of their family.
“We are remarkably proud of our ‘Feed My Sheep’ program because of the immense impact it has for those who are hungry and homeless,” Meyeringh added. “It is only through the support of our Endowment Fund are we able to run this program.”
For more information visit www.stepsmia.org.