During the fall Coral Gables senior Amanda Henry collected basic essentials to be donated to women at Lotus House, a women’s shelter. She plans on doing two more drives this year for the cause.
The collections are part of her community service project required by the International Baccalaureate program.
“It’s going to be a continuing drive throughout the year,” she said.
The plan called for working with Key Club to collect the toiletries and then making them into care packages to be given to the shelter. Working with Key Club makes sense.
“I’m the president of Key Club; one day we were coming up with different activities,” Henry said. “Another member said they were volunteering there and they needed materials.”
Henry also is a member of the National Honor Society and the IB Honor Society.
During her freshman year, she was a member of the mock trial team.
“We were given a case and we had to prepare the entire case,” she said. “Both the defense and the prosecution. In February we’d go downtown and compete against other schools.”
This past summer, Henry interned at Landa and Associates, an accounting firm. She secured the internship through Commissioner Xavier Suarez’s district office.
Through the internship she came to a realization about math.
“Basically, I was never interested in math,” she said. “But after working with it, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
Henry learned how to use Quick Books and how to do taxes.
“And how people are doing them wrong,” she said.
Although she enjoyed the internship, it did not convince her to become an accountant. However, she is open to having it as a backup career.
For college, she applied to FSU, UF, Howard University, Spellman College, Georgia State, UCF and FIU.
She is interested in a career in business or communications, including public relations.
— Linda Rodriguez Bernfeld