Coral Gables High rising senior Melanie Wu wants to become a filmmaker.
She has been working toward her goal since eighth grade when she started playing with the software Adobe provides for students. In 10th grade, she joined the TV Production class at Gables.
Another step in her quest to make films is her internship with the Borscht Corp., which is the sponsor of the biannual Borscht Film Festival.
“I became one of the youngest fellows for the Borscht Corporation,” she said. “They’re trying to redefine Miami cinema. They try to produce that.”
Wu began her internship at the beginning of her junior year.
“I helped organize the events for the film festival that happened in February,” she said. “I gained exposure of what the film industry is.
One of the best moments of my life thus far.”
Wu says she was a production assistant and helped produce films that were in the festival. She plans to return to the internship in September.
She also worked on the FBGM music video, a music video for the artist TPain.
Going into sophomore year, Wu received a scholarship to attend Grammy Camp in New York. The camp is hosted by the Grammy Foundation.
“During the camp, I learned video production and produced two videos,” she said. “I also, networked with a handful of professionals such as Beyonce’s publicist and art director, and the filmmaker who produced Kayne West’s music video for All of the Lights.”
She said the foundation, nominated her to be a member of their media team.
At school, she is secretary of the IB Honor Society. She also has been accepted in the acting troupe and is captain of the Indian Dance team.
This summer she participated in the art program at Locust Lab.
Wu plans to apply to the NYU Tisch School of the Arts, The Pratt Institute, FSU and USC. She will major in film.
— Linda Rodriguez Bernfeld