Temple Judea, one of Miami’s largest Reform synagogues, has named Sharon Israel Moskovitz as its executive director.
“Sharon has uniquely contributed to Temple Judea’s advancement since she joined us in 2007. In addition to important qualities such as trustworthiness and integrity, she has a strong understanding of how Jewish communal organizations function,” said Rabbi Judith Siegal of Temple Judea. “Sharon is extremely dedicated and passionate and has the necessary business acumen, operations, management, financial and fundraising expertise to lead Temple Judea into the next decade.”
During the past 14 years, Israel Moskovitz has held numerous positions at Temple Judea, most recently as director of Engagement and Outreach. Her expertise includes community outreach, volunteer management, public speaking and fund raising. She has invaluable campus-wide knowledge along with an understanding about Temple Judea as a congregation.
Israel Moskovitz previously served as Temple Judea’s youth director and program coordinator. She holds a Liberal Arts and Science degree from the University of Central Florida. She lives in Miami with her husband, Jeffrey, and their three children.
Israel Moskovitz is active in several charitable organizations such as the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, JAFCO (Jewish Adoption & Foster Care Options) and Jewish Community Services.
Now celebrating 72 years of Jewish Learning and Living in Coral Gables, Temple Judea is one of the largest Reform synagogues in Miami with approximately 650 member families. Temple Judea’s mission is to enrich member’s ever-more complicated lives with the new insights of ancient Jewish heritage. For more information, visit www.JudeaGables.org.