Carnaval Miami & Calle Ocho are the major fund raiser for the organization’s community projects; these events are far more than the hottest street parties in the nation…
Over the last 37 years, Carnaval Miami and Calle Ocho have made it possible for members of the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana to accomplish service programs for children.
The club’s Basketball League has trained over 5,000 leaguers, in the Basketball League also mentoring them as “big brothers” during the season.
The Kiwanis Club of Little Havana Summer Camp provides an 8-week program to children of low income families serving 200 kids annually and more than 3,000 over the years.
At the beginning of every school year, book bags full of supplies are distributed to 6,000 students in low income elementary schools having reached over 65,000 students since the inception of the program in 1991. New laptops and free one-year internet service were granted to 30 children in low-income households.
The scholarship program for students with financial difficulties has graduated 200 scholars, currently with 35 students in scholarships.
During the holiday season, the distribution of toys and bicycles touches the lives of thousands of children having brought happiness to more than 100,000 kids. The “Adopt a Family” project fulfills the needs and wishes of hundreds of disadvantaged families.
The club has built playgrounds at city parks and initiated after-school tutoring, along with family literacy programs, it organizes holiday meals for the elderly and the homeless.
The club donates to youth charitable organizations and contributes to the medical expenses of children. Every year in February, the Children’s Cancer Caring Center receives a $10,000 check to provide cancer treatment to children.
The club is often the “last resource” to the most vulnerable members of our community. A new roof and remodeled home was repaired for an 80-year old, half blind, half deaf man in North Miami. One of the most memorable projects was making a young man’s dream come true; born without legs and arms, Hugo Barbosa’s wish to walk was granted.
The Kiwanis Club of Little Havana and its Foundation is grateful to the sponsors of Carnaval Miami whose support make possible the goodwill projects. Year in and out members of the club strive to serve our community with the hope to contribute to a better Greater Miami.