The Palace Coral Gables recently hosted a three-day multimedia event, “The Art of Aging: Ageless Beauty” to highlight the vibrancy and vitality of seniors in their 80s, 90s and beyond.
The event began with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and champagne reception before residents, families and guests toured the exhibit which featured a photo exhibit on “Ageless Beauty.” Social documentary photographer Shay Cohen photographed 30 of the active retirement community’s residents including former model Vida Berkowitz.
“We have such active and engaged seniors calling The Palace home, I felt it was important to create an event that would show off the agelessness of our residents,” said Pamela Parker, social director and event organizer.
A “Cardboard Memories” exhibit also was on display and featured vintage personal photographs with accompanying written narratives compiled by Palace Coral Gables resident Lenore Swimmer.
“I spent five weeks meeting with my neighbors and writing their stories,” said the former educator. “It was so interesting getting to know them, several who I’d not had the pleasure of meeting prior to this project.”
Since one’s hands tell the stories of one’s life, hand castings by artist Judith Levitan were exhibited and included over 20 castings of residents’ hands. A special highlight was the hands of resident Julia Lopez, an accomplished flamenco dancer, whose casting includes her famous castanet.
Additionally, “The Art of Aging: Ageless Beauty” included an insightful panel discussion on aging, presented by aging experts Dr. David Lowenstein, PhD; Father John O’Grady, and Rabbi Yossi Harlig; workshops on beauty makeovers, Reiki healing circle, yoga meditation, head shoulder and hand massages, healthy snack tastings, and a pop-up fashion accessory boutique sale.
To learn more about The Palace Coral Gables, call 305-445-7444 or visit www.palacecoralgables.com.