Time is running out to experience the Umbrella Sky project in Coral Gables! Join us this weekend, September 14-16th, to bid farewell to South Florida’s favorite summer photo backdrop. The umbrellas will come down on Monday, September 17th to make way for a new installation, this winter. A photographer will be on-hand this Friday, September 14th, from 6-10pm, to assist with taking your picture under the umbrellas.
The fun with umbrellas doesn’t have to end. You can own a little piece of the Umbrella Sky project! The Coral Gables Community Foundation will be on Giralda Plaza pre-selling the umbrellas for $25, which will come with an authenticity stamp. Proceeds from the sale of the umbrellas will go to the Community Arts Endowment fund at the Foundation to fund future public art projects. For more information visit http://www.gablesfoundation.org/umbrellasky
Umbrella Sky in Coral Gables was made possible through a partnership between the City of Coral Gables, the Coral Gables Community Foundation and the Business Improvement District of Coral Gables.
Fun Facts about Umbrella Sky:
· Over 720 Umbrellas were installed above the plaza
· Coral Gables is the first city in South Florida and the 3rd city in the U.S. to host the installation
· More than 1 million people have visited the art project to date
· Umbrella Sky is the creation of Portuguese Company, Sextafeira, which means Friday in Portuguese