Unlike the congressional “Super Committee,” the bipartian disorganizers of the King Mango Strut hammered out a quick resolution naming Ron Magill as grand marshal for this year’s parade.
With more than three decades as a wildlife expert and communications director for Zoo Miami, Ron has allowed Burmese pythons to encircle his neck just as the King Mango Strut encircles Coconut Grove. There is no better king of the jungle to lead the animal house of MangoHeads.
As grand marshal of the 30th annual King Mango Strut, he will reign supreme to “Occupy the Grove” on Saturday, Dec. 31, at 2 p.m. in Downtown Coconut Grove.
This year’s Strut Celebrity is Katy Sorenson, the never recalled/never indicted/never removed-by-the-governor, former commissioner of Miami-Dade County. Katy has been much closer to King Mango than Facebook’s 4 degrees of separation. She was Strut co-founder Bill Dobson’s boss.
The annual satirical street parade has been a model of civic engagement and civil uprising with enough material for a pickapeppa spray and sauce combination. In this interactive parade, the spectators — the true occupiers — are encouraged to bring tents, lawn chairs and cardboard signs. For the King Mango royal watchers, it’s the big hats and fascinators.
King Mango is still looking for a few good MangoHeads to strut in the parade. There are no entry fees, no special skills or x-factor auditions required; just join the fun and strut your funny. If you want to participate, contact the King at kingmangostrut@gmail.com or call the Mango Hotline at 305-401-1171.
For more information check out the new website at www.kingmangostrut.org. Follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kingmangostrut for the latest Mango news and tidbits.