Nobody seems overly concerned in local circles about the continuing absence of vacancies on our two Kendall Community Council seats.
Now the county comes forward with a want ad for vacant seats on all 10 still-active Councils in unincorporated Miami-Dade, a total 29 vacancies for 70 positions at seven seats per Council.
That includes two, Biscayne Shores and Fisher Island, with only one member and six vacant seats, both of which must be inoperative.
Part of the disinterest in new volunteers must result from Commissioners cutting non-zoning sessions from Council responsibilities – ending a community pipeline to local issues.
No one has yet to come forward to seek the Sub Area 122 seat formerly held by Carla Savola-Ascensio in East Kendall Council 12, nor the Sub Area 116 seat, formerly warmed by Domingo Castillo, both of whom chaired their respective boards at one time.
Sub Area 122 takes in a large portion of Kendall north of Snapper Creek in the SW 72nd Avenue area, south of Bird Road between Red Road (SW 57th Avenue) and the Shula Expressway (SR 874).
Sub Area 116 covers a large chunk of ground south of SW 120th Street as far south as SW 184th Street, most of it west of SW 157th Avenue.
If you are a three-year resident of Miami- Dade and have lived within those boundaries for at least three months, you are eligible to apply for a seat as a temporary appointment. (Call 305-375-1244 for details).
While both Kendall Councils remain relatively active with regular zoning application hearings, all of its members generally miss the liaison previously afforded through reports and inquiries on roads, traffic, parks and other localized issues in each of Kendall’s main areas.
Perhaps if Commissioners saw fit to reestablish those sessions, it might attract more people to volunteer service. (Newlyelected Chair Jose Garciga of Council 12 often comments that was the primary reason he originally ran for the office).
Isn’t it time our Kendall Commissioners instigated that action – at least for Miami- Dade’s largest area with 300,000 or more residents?
Insider comment says Mayor Carlos Alvarez made sure that a number of his staff members and even family were present for his appearance before Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations meeting February 7, accounting for the applause and cheers backing his support…no one took a ‘count’ but there was no question that the audience was pro-Alvarez in reacting to statements of support.
Just to keep the record straight, we asked KFHA- PAC’s Marvin Stein if the committee was taking a stand on recalling the Mayor. “No action will be taken,” declared Stein. Then asked why not: “And no comment!” added the long-time (25 years or more) Chairman. We heard you, Marvin!
East Kendall pipeline says lawsuit Peggy Brodeur filed to overturn a zoning decision was dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction by the presiding judge. That was the session when Ms. Brodeur and others left after a decisive vote, only to learn the next day that the matter was recalled and voted with an opposite result. Folks are still rankled about the legality of the procedure, we’re told.
Comish Joe Martinez reports that a DPW project will begin in February to open SW 157th Avenue between SW 10th and SW 13th Streets, which, when completed, will open Miami-Dade’s newest north-south thoroughfare from SW 8th Street (Tamiami Trail) south to SW184th Street. For details, call 305-552-1155.
Latest Networking session for West Kendall Business Association invites participants to the Village Diner at Kendall Village Center from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 15, and includes hors d’ouvres and beverages, and a movie afterwards at a discounted ticket price. Free to members and guests!
Village activities are gearing up this month and next
Let’s make it official! Sure, you may have already been there for a meeting or to conduct business like getting permits or to inquire about zoning matters, but the new Village Hall is finally having its formal Grand Opening event on February 22, and they’re promising it will be a gala ceremony. More details will be announced shortly. We have a feeling that most folks out there haven’t fully grasped the fact that the remarkable new Platinum LEED-Certified building is going to save a ton of money on utilities and other operating expenses over the long haul. Lower costs means less money coming out of taxpayers’ pockets. And isn’t the village lucky (or is that smart?) that the place was built during a time when building costs were way down due to the economic slow-down with contractors eager to work for less. If the village had waited until later to build its new headquarters, or had built small and had to add on more space in a few years, we have to think the costs could have been double or triple what they were. Kudos to everyone involved!
Mark your calendars! If you missed the recent Town Hall Meeting hosted by new councilman Patrick Fiore, or even if you didn’t, there’s another one coming up soon as Vice Mayor Brian Pariser hosts a Town Hall Meeting on March 16. This one’s going to be at the Edward & Arlene Feller Community Room at the Library complex in Ludovici Park, and as always, it’s for all residents. Got a question? Got a beef? Here’s your chance to voice it.
Comish Joe Martinez reports that a DPW project will begin in February to open SW 157th Avenue between SW 10th and SW 13th Streets, which, when completed, will open Miami-Dade’s newest north-south thoroughfare from SW 8th Street (Tamiami Trail) south to SW184th Street. For details, call 305-552-1155.
Insider comment says Mayor Carlos Alvarez made sure that a number of his staff members and even family were present for his appearance before Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations meeting February 7, accounting for the applause and cheers backing his support…no one took a ‘count’ but there was no question that the audience was pro-Alvarez in reacting to statements of support.
Disturbing… A new report released last week confirms what many Americans have long known: veterans make up a disproportionate amount of the nation’s homeless population. The federal government’s first-ever comprehensive Veteran Homelessness study shows that veterans are 50 percent more likely to become homeless than other Americans. Additionally, minority veterans have an even greater chance of ending up on the streets or in homeless shelters. Read the whole report here: www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/10/homeless- veterans-report-hud_n_821433.html.
Pet Partners Rescue Home has taken the initiative to create a Hotline for pet owners thinking of surrendering their animals to Miami-Dade Animal Services, a high kill shelter. The number to call is 305- 226-3636. Last year alone, more than 20,000 dogs and cats were euthanized there and many of them were owner surrenders. Pet Partners will post information on pets that need pre-shelter rescue on their Facebook Hotline page in an effort to reduce shelter intake and find foster and permanent homes for these animals before they are taken to the shelter, which should only be the very last possible option.
The organization also offers free transportation to assist with spaying and/or neutering for pets. For more information on the Hotline or if you would like to adopt one of the animals from Pet Partners Rescue Home, please call 305-772-1295, email mypetspartner@aol.com or visit www.mypetspartner.com. The Hotline can be reached at 305-226-3636.
Thought for the Day:
Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
— Albert Einstein
Gary Alan Ruse and Richard Yager contributed to this column.
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669- 7355, ext. 249, or send emails to michael@communitynewspapers.